On 14/09/2011 11:08 AM, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
On 9/13/2011 13:38, Larson, Donald (Don) wrote:
I understand "su" does not work – answer use ssh. SSHD cannot start
because user sshd cannot login. I run login sshd type in the
password and then I get the message.
What you're saying is that you want a way to log in as another user as
one would with the "su" command, right?  If so, you need to get the sshd
service working first so that you can at least log in as yourself.  The
process for doing that is documented in
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README.  Read this carefully.  If you have
problems with this part, submit a problem report as Larry suggested.

When things work, you should be able to run something like the following
command to log in as yourself over SSH:

$ ssh your_username@localhost

Once you're able to log in as yourself, you can set up account details
for other accounts in /etc/passwd in order to allow yourself to log in
via SSH using those accounts.  The mkpasswd program will help you here.

This is the "tricky" part.  For accounts that have no password such as
the SYSTEM account or for accounts whose passwords you do not know, you
need to set up public key authentication so that you can authenticate
over SSH without a password.  You may also need to make some manual
edits to your /etc/passwd file in order to set home directories and
shells for accounts such as SYSTEM where those settings are not defined
by default.

If you need details for how to use public key authentication with SSH,
there are numerous articles available online.  For your needs here,
there is nothing Cygwin specific about setting this up.

This is what I did just now to allow me to log in as the SYSTEM account:

1) Create the directory /root/.ssh.
2) Copy your SSH public key file to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.
3) Set the owner of /root and its contents to SYSTEM.
4) Open the /etc/passwd file in a text editor.
5) Modify the line that starts with SYSTEM as follows:
    a) Insert /root before the last colon on the line.
    b) Append /bin/bash after the last colon on the line.
6) Save the changes.

Now you should be able to log into the SYSTEM account by running:

$ ssh SYSTEM@localhost
Question: in my experience sshd will not allow connections to users who have no password set, even when password-auth is not used. This happened on my wife's laptop, for example, where I ended up having to create a dummy user for myself that had a password, since she didn't want her account to have one.

Does SYSTEM have some sort of password after all?


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