* J.V. (Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:03:35 -0600)
> To run a .bat or .cmd file, I can do this:
>      $cmd
>      C:>mybat.bat or C:\>mycmd.cmd
> In other words, I have to type two commands (one to get to the shell, 
> and another to run the .bat or .cmd file).
> What I want is to write a shell script (bash), that will cd to a 
> directory, enter the dos cmd prompt and execute a .bat file and then 
> return to my bash shell.
> I do not know if this is possible, have tried many things, but nothing 
> works.

Now that is a really detailed description of what you tried. Anyway, you 
can run a batch script like any other script. It just works.


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