On 9/22/2011 10:16 AM, Matt Seitz (matseitz) wrote:
> "David Rothenberger" wrote in message
> news:<announce.4e7a7e56.8010...@acm.org>...
>> apr1 has been updated to the latest upstream release. It includes a
>> fix for CVE-2011-1928.
> Does this update introduce a dependence on the "file" and "libserf"
> packages?
> When I run "setup.exe" and view the "Pending" updates I see the libapr
> updates listed, but I also see the "file" and "libserf" packages listed,
> with the "Current" fields blank.

No, that is likely due to the new experimental subversion-1.7.0rc3-1
release which will be announced soon. These are new dependencies for
1.7.0-rc3, but since the Cygwin setup program doesn't support different
dependencies for different versions of a package, it will attempt to
install them if you have subversion-1.6.17-1 installed.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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