On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 2:07 PM, David Rothenberger wrote:
> IMPORTANT: This release has a new working copy format. To use this
> release, you must manually upgrade your working copy format,
> rendering it unusable with previous major releases.
> Please see the release notes
>  http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7.html
> for more details about the changes in Subversion.

In particular you must run `svn cleanup` in ALL your repos BEFORE
upgrading cygwin.
And the after the cygwin install you can do: `svn upgrade`

"Subversion 1.7 cannot upgrade working copies that a 1.6 client would
have refused to operate upon before an svn cleanup was run (with a 1.6
client). In other words, before upgrading to 1.7, a 1.6 client must be
used to run svn cleanup on all working copies that require cleanup. We
regret for this limitation, but we had to introduce it in order for
1.7 to ship timely and without overcomplicating the internals"

But I love the new centralized SQLite db.

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