> > ssh-copy-id requires that password authentication is working, which is 
> > not happening, so I tried manual moving of the files
> Sorry, I obviously overlooked that.
> I assume sshd_config is properly configured to allow public key 
> authentication.
> Have you checked your /etc/passwd and /etc/group files?
> Does the user guide¹ help?
> ¹http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html

I have the default sshd_config.  Doing a ssh localhost on host works, both with 
password authentication and with public key authentication after running 
ssh-user-config on the host.  So I would say that yes sshd_config is configured 
to do public key authentication.

I have looked at /etc/passwd and /etc/group on the host and client machines.  
The Sid match for the group and userid that I am using.  Other portions of 
Cygwin act correctly for my domain userid on both the host and the client 
machines.  So I think that /etc/passwd and /etc/group are OK.  Is there 
anything specific I should be checking in these files?

I am off on vacation for a week now, so I will not be able to progress this 
problem until 24 October 2011.

Clayton Evans

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