20.10.2011 11:56, Markus Hoenicka пишет:
Oleksandr Gavenko <gave...@bifit.com.ua> was heard to say:

But how about Emacs M-x man? I need write a wrapper and set

Dunno about the rest, but have you tried M-x woman? This is a man page
reader implemented in elisp. It may or may not handle language issues
better than man.

Yes, I use M-x woman for a long time with Cygwin 1.5 when native Emacs
can not correctly invoke Cygwin man...

But some day with Cygwin 1.7 I discover that M-x man properly work so
stop using M-x woman (because of initial load delay to build index of
available man pages).

A few day ago I post my config how to get this:


   # This allow access to man files from Cygwin and native Emacs
   # (with cygwin-mount.el enabled), M-x man/woman...
   # Take special attention to leading colon.


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