On 23 October 2011 23:14, Regid Ichira wrote:
>  /etc/postinstall/mintty.sh's exit code is 127.
>    $ cat /etc/postinstall/mintty.sh
>    PROGS=$(/bin/cygpath -P $CYGWINFORALL)
>    /bin/mkdir -p "$PROGS/Cygwin" &&
>    cd "$PROGS/Cygwin" &&
>    /bin/mkshortcut -n mintty /bin/mintty -a - -d "Cygwin Terminal"
> By running those commands manually, I think the problem is the last,
> /bin/mkshortcut, line.  How can I investigate it more?
>    $ cygcheck -f /bin/mkshortcut.exe
>    cygutils-1.4.6-1
>    $ file /bin/mkshortcut.exe
>    /bin/mkshortcut.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to 
> external PDB), for MS Windows

Try cygcheck without the -f to check that the DLLs that mkshortcut
depends on are present.

cygcheck /bin/mkshortcut.exe


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