I'm consistently getting a stack trace when attempting to run a command via 
ssh, using a dsa key, on a remote Windows Server 2003 SP2 x64 that has Cygwin 
sshd installed and configured.  The error is occurring at the remote sshd 

    $ ssh qaautotest1 ls
          2 [main] sshd 3156 D:\cygwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - 
unable to load C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll, Win32 error 1114
    Stack trace:
    Frame     Function  Args
    002298B4  6102796B  (002298B4, 00000000, 00000000, 00000040)
    00229BA4  6102796B  (6117EC60, 00008000, 00000000, 61180977)
    0022ABD4  61004F1B  (61180101, 0022AC00, 00000000, FFFDDBF8)
    0022AE34  61001756  (6103175B, 612466DC, 0022AEA0, 0022AE68)
    0022BB68  6115EAA4  (00000000, FFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFF, 00000002)
    0022BBA8  610CE5EF  (00000003, 1044E9F0, 0022BCA4, 1044DCA8)
    0022BBC8  610299A7  (1044E9F0, 0022BCA4, 1044DCA8, 0022BCCC)
    0022C0E8  610C3545  (1045AB88, 1045AC38, 00000002, 00000000)
    0022C148  00412F68  (1045AB88, 1045AC38, 104519C0, 6F6260CD)
    0022C198  004132EC  (1045AB88, 1045AC38, 104519C0, 6F6260CD)
    0022C258  00413A0E  (1045AA98, 104519C0, 104519C0, 00000001)
    0022C2A8  0040AC83  (00000062, 00000008, 10450128, 6F6260CD)
    0022C2F8  0043B908  (00000001, 00000000, 10450128, 6F6260CD)
    0022C328  0040B2A7  (1044E868, 1044EA30, 0022CD68, 6F6260CD)
    0022C378  0040C509  (1044DAF0, 1044E9A8, 00000000, 10450128)
    0022C3C8  004141E8  (1044DAF0, 00000003, 10450128, 0022CC4C)
    End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)

This happens only using pubkey authentication, and only when the ssh server is 
Win2003 SP2 (with all MS updates applied; the reason it hasn't been upgraded to 
Win2003R2 or later is that it's a test system for for our application, and we 
still have some customers that run on  that OS).  I have similar setups on 
Win2003R2, Win2008SP2 and Win2008R2, none of which exhibit the problem.  The 
type of client system is immaterial (fails even from Linux ssh clients).
Googling around I found http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-12/msg00016.html but 
that's almost a year old, and refers to cygwin1.dll version 1.7.7. My 
cygwin1.dll is at 1.7.9.

Full cygcheck -s -v -r output for the server is attached.

My gut feeling is that this is an interaction between Cygwin and a bug in 
Win2003SP2, but I'd like to have that confirmed if possible.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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