> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Zdzislaw Meglicki
> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 17:30 PM
> I have a problem with exim-4.76-1 on my Cygwin installation under Windows
> 7. On having received a message addressed to a local user, exim creates
> lock file in the /var/spool/mail directory and ... freezes. The message
> up in mailq as "frozen". I have to remove the lock file manually, then run
> exim -M on the message ID for its final delivery into the user file.

Is that 100% reproducible on your system? 
Is there an entry in an exim log, normally in /var/log/exim/ ?
I couldn't reproduce the problem on XP.


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