> Anyway, I've installed two versions of cygwin on the same machine - the
> first was installed around Oct. 3 and the second one from a few days
> ago. Compiling exactly the same software on both versions gives success
> on the older installation and failure on the newer one. Could it be that
> Do you have any immediate idea of what could be the potential problem?

Only immediate suggestions :).  Run 'objdump -fp' on the two executables. 
Perhaps there's a difference between outputs that stands out or is meaningful
to somebody on the list when you report it.

Another thing you might try is 'cygcheck -svr' on the two Cygwin versions and
compare output.  That may show meaningful differences between the two versions.
 That will have a lot of output to sift through but any differences listed may
point to something.


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