I don't know if this is what you are going to try, but if you change the of the partition on the src drive to something small enough to fit on the new drive, you can use clonezilla to clone the partition instead of the whole drive. Just make the partition on the new drive the same size or a bit larger.

Just to be safe, I would copy off all the data files from the old drive that you can to a backup somewhere. You should be able to do the with a gparted CD.


Mike Brown wrote:
On Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 11:44:06PM +0800, KHMan wrote:
Some random notes. fsarchiver also allows for flexibility on size.

I'm downloading the iso for SystemRescueCD, which contains fsarchiver.

I just might be able to use fsarchiver to do the trick.

Thanks for the tip.


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