On 11/9/2011 1:15 PM, Edvardsen Kåre wrote:
This is again related to the failure of execution of a gfortran built
binary ("cannot execute binary", see thread
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2011-11/msg00034.html )

In short, the main problem is that I can't build a successful binary
from the FLEXPART fortran code (just google "FLEXPART nilu" if you are
curious of what FLEXPART is) on a cygwin installation I did just over a
week ago, but it builds and run without problem on an installation from
October 3. I get no differences in warnings from the bad build compared
to the good one, so I really don't know what to look for.

So far I have come to the conclusion that this must be related to one or
several changes in the cygwin distribution done after October 3. Through
try and failure testing I found that this is not affected by
gfortran/gcc as both gcc 4.3.4 and gcc 4.5.3 works. The latter hangs on
'$EGREP' calls in the 'grib_api' (required library) configure script,
but the workaround of changing to 'egrep' works fine.

I have posted the output from strace, objdump and cygcheck for some of
you to look at in the former thread, but it seem like this is far from a
straight forward problem.

I can see from the [ANNOUNCEMENT] posts that a few things in this cygwin
distro have been updated since October 3 and I kindly ask if someone
have an idea of what updates since then may cause a badly gfortran built
binary if it has nothing to do with gcc alone?

I will now start going through the updates and change back to versions
yielding October 3 if possible. I think this is important since cygwin
will give the opportunity to run and develop FLEXPART on Windows
machines the way linux-users are used to. In addition, I also see a
potential problem of other fortran software that people want to run
under cygwin.


my guess binutils

or some BLODA.

I downloaded the

but it is not clear to me how to replicate your build.

 make -f makefile.gfs_gfortran_32

fails here:
$ make -f makefile.gfs_gfortran_32
gfortran -O2 -m32 -fconvert=little-endian -frecord-marker=4 -I/nilu2/home/flexpart/lib/gfortran/include -c -o writeheader.o writeheader.f
    Included at writeheader.f:50:

      common /globalr/             ! REAL
Error: The equivalence set for 'pplev' cause an invalid extension to COMMON 'globalr' at (1)


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