On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 11:15:47PM +0200, Timothy Madden wrote:
>On 09.11.2011 17:45, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
>> On 11/9/2011 09:29, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> That's not as easy as it may sound.  What about creating wrapper scripts
>>> with the same name in another dir and put that dir in front of the other
>>> bin dir in $PATH?  The wrapper scripts could be shell scripts which use
>>> `cygpath -wa' to convert the path to DOS notation and then call php.
>>> I'm surprised that we don't have php in the Cygwin distro.  Did nobody
>>> try to port php to Cygwin yet?
>> It looks like php is available in Cygwin Ports.  I've not tried it to
>> see how well it behaves though.
>I have the full cygwin distribution installed with setup.exe and no php ?
>Where is the cygwin port for php ? Distributed separately ? Maintained 
>separately ?


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