On Nov 17 12:23, Pierre-Yves Lafonta wrote:
> Hello,
> I use cygwin sshd daemon 5.9p1-1 to send them ssh exec command.
> Here my problem:
> nb=106496; rm testfile; for i in ` seq 1 $nb` ; do echo 1 >>testfile;done
> ssh user@host cat < testfile > outputfile
> Work as expected on different cygwin plateforme (see the
> cygcheck.winxp, cygcheck.seven, cygcheck.w2008 attached)
> But, with one caracter more in the testfile, it stop working on seven and 
> 2008.
> The exec command hang; have to Ctrl+Z.
> nb=106497; rm testfile; for i in ` seq 1 $nb` ; do echo 1 >>testfile;done
> ssh user@host cat < testfile > outputfile
> On host machine, cat process still alive.
> it's 100% reproductible. Verbose log just show that process dont
> receive sigchld signal...
> AnyOne Understand what exactly happen ?
> Is it a bug or a normal behaviour?
> And is there a workaround or a way i have to rewrite my exec command ?

Thanks for the report.  It's a bug and there's no workaround, other than
"don't do that".  We're looking into a fix for the next Cygwin release.


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