On 2011-11-29, carolus wrote:
> After opening "man ls", trying to search for "--all" leads to
> "Pattern not found (press RETURN)".
> Inquiring on comp.unix.shell, I was told that for this kind of
> search to work properly in linux , one must set PAGER=less. However,
> that does not seem to work in Cygwin, at least using the old default
> terminal. Is there a workaround?

As I recall, that was a problem shortly after Cygwin 1.7 was
released.  Man pages were being formatted with some sort of Unicode
hyphen or dash character in place of the ASCII hyphen.  It hasn't
been a problem recently, though, and it works fine for me, in both
the old Cygwin console and in mintty.

    cygwin 1.7.9-1
    less     444-1
    man     1.6g-1

    Windows XP Professional 2002 SP3


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