On 12/8/2011 11:40 AM, Helio C. Bortolon wrote:
Dear colleagues,

Pressing 'retry', the window keeps refreshing continuously. Pressing
'continue' leads to a hang in the process, and canceling it leads to:

""Cannot open log file D:\"Documents and
Settings"\CXZH/var/log/setup.log for writing""

do not install in a directory with space in the name like
"Documents and  Settings"

Try using the standard

The directory ...CXZH... is my home the Windows XP, and I do have
write access to it. I believe this is a problem with '\' and '/', but
I am not sure and have no idea about how to solve it.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much in advance.

Hélio C. Bortolon


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