On 08/12/2011 6:18 AM, Robert Miles wrote:
On 12/4/2011 4:06 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Anyway, stoppping the PCA service and setting its start mode to "Manual"
does the trick for me.  While I was at it I also disabled Superfetch,
which drops the memory usage of this svchost to a fraction of what it
used before, and the CPU usage to 0%, and I don't see any performance
Are you aware that the Superfetch service deliberately tries to use most of the memory not otherwise in use as a cache for the most frequently accessed disk files, in order to speed up accesses to those files? I've found it rather slow to
release this cache memory when some other program needs it, though.
In my experience Superfetch does a phenomenally bad job of predicting which files I (or my wife) actually plan to use. The machine is sluggish not (just) because the memory is uselessly tied up, but because the disk is constantly busy fetching data that will never be used and penalizes access to the data I actually do need. The memory wastage just compounds the problem by contributing additional swapping on top of all this other extra disk activity.

Both computers at my house saw *significant increases* in performance and responsiveness when I disabled Superfetch a few months ago.


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