On 10 December 2011 15:15, Ryan Johnson wrote:
> Hi all (esp. Andy),
> A recent email on the cygwin/x mailing list pointed out that Lenovo
> trackpoint scrolling had stopped working in xterm [1]. I didn't know it was
> there in the first place, but I can just imagine how useful it would be. Any
> chance of mintty picking up that functionality? Combining mintty's existing
> handling of mouse scrolling with the trackpoint would be really slick, but I
> don't know how hard it would be. It's also unclear whether the X11 faq entry
> about trackpoint is out of date [2], since I've never followed those
> directions and yet xterm scrolls fine for me.
> [1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2011-12/msg00022.html
> [2] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html#q-trackpoint

I'm afraid I don't know what special support if any might be needed
here, and I haven't got the hardware to try it. Both scroll messages
and mousewheel messages should work already, so unless there's a
special message type for trackpoints, this sounds primarily like a
driver configuration issue.


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