On 03/01/2012 5:25 PM, dan...@dancol.org wrote:
posix_spawn [1] is an optional POSIX facility that allows programs to
start other programs without using fork or vfork. I've created an
efficient implementation of posix_spawn for Cygwin. The code is available
at https://github.com/dcolascione/cygspawn.

This library uses Cygwin's nonstandard spawn* family calls in process.h to
provide the full suite of posix_spawn* functionality. Implementing
posix_spawn in terms of spawn turns out to be non-trivial. Nevertheless,
using posix_spawn can improve process startup performance considerably,
especially for large programs:
This probably belongs at cygwin-dev, but it sounds interesting (especially if it allows less-frequent invocation of the rebaseall ritual).

However, you should check out the copyright assignment requirements [2] if you want the code to make it upstream.

[2] http://cygwin.com/contrib.html


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