> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandile Mnqayi
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 08:01
> Hello,
> Please suggest a solution to the issue of the cygwin mounts not being
visible to
> the cronjobs.
>  echo 'D:/Program\040Files/International\0407.0 /usr/local/bin ntfs binary
0 0'
> >> /etc/fstab I have performed above mount and cron does not see this
entry, please advise?

I am not sure when edits to /etc/fstab become active. Is it shown by mount?
Also is D a local disk or a network drive? If the latter, use the
//machine/share format
as the letter drives need not be the same under Cron.
Note that if it's a network drive you may also have access issues that can
be fixed by
running cron as yourself or by using advanced authentication methods,
see /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/cron-XXXX.README


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