On 2/1/2012 9:08 AM, Timothy Makobu wrote:
Hi all,

I have installed the entire dev section, but when I try to compile the
above, I get the error below:

       2 [main] python 4368
C:\cygwin\usr\local\src\Python-2.7.2\python.exe: *** fatal error -
unable to remap
to same address as parent: 0x450000 != 0x480000
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
00229BD8  6102796B  (00229BD8, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
00229EC8  6102796B  (6117EC60, 00008000, 00000000, 61180977)
0022AEF8  61004F1B  (611A7FAC, 6124929C, 00450000, 00480000)
End of stack trace
       2 [main] python 5368 fork: child 4368 - died waiting for dll
loading, errno 11
error: Resource temporarily unavailable
Makefile:426: recipe for target `sharedmods' failed
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 1

I installed Cygwin an hour ago, and I'm on Windows7 Pro.

It is a fork issue, so you need to run rebaseall.

As it seems Python run itself during the build you
need to add the dll's just created to the rebase list

$ find /usr/local -name "*.dll" > local_list

and from dash shell

$ rebaseall -T local_list

after that I presume the make should be able to complete the job.


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