On 2/5/2012 12:45 AM, Ilya Dogolazky wrote:
> 1. Open a command line window in Windows (the standard one or rxvt: I
> tried both: no difference), then either detach from the session or not
> (I tried both: no difference)
> 2. Connect to the Windows machine from a linux machine as follows:
> ssh win_host -t screen -R -D (instead of "-R -D" the option "-x" could
> be used, I tried both: no difference)
> 3. After a while terminate the connection in some brutal way (in my case
> the vpn tunnel to the private company network is pretty unstable and
> terminating from itself frequently)

A work-around is to send the parent screen process a HUP signal. You
should then be able to reattach.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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