On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 10:13:49AM -0600, carolus wrote:
>On 2/6/2012 5:05 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
>>The -mno-cygwin flag is still handled by gcc3, but that is deprecated
>>and may be removed at any time.  The officially supported way to build
>>such apps is to use the appropriate mingw or mingw64 cross-compiler.
>Is there an easy procedure that is equivalent to the old -mno-cygwin
>(suitable for a dumb engineer who is not a programmer and knows nothing
>about cross-compilation)?  -mno-cygwin was a very handy way to
>distribute a cygwin fortran executable to non-cywin users without
>having to include cygwin1.dll (which I think is not exactly legal).

A cygwin fortran executable would need cygwin1.dll.


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