Hi there Egor!

AG> Subj? For russian language ANSI-codepage is cp1251 (win1251), OEM - cp866
AG> (dos866). But in unix systems used another one - koi8-r. Koi8-r is de-facto AG> standart for E-mail and News messages. Therefore will be good if Cygwin AG> console will receive possibility to use some different from "CYGWIN AG> codepage=oem" and "CYGWIN codepage=ansi". May be "CYGWIN codepage=none"?
AG> P.S.: In cygwin beta 19 and 20 time was no such problem. Simple run AG> "chcp.com 20866" at bash-console and you can relax with koi8-r codepage. :-)
See http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-patches/2002-q1/msg00064.html
	Thanx for help. But I've just try this recipe and nothing win. :-(

	I use this version of Cygwin:

	iggy:~$ uname -a
	CYGWIN_NT-5.0 IGGY 1.3.10(0.51/3/2) 2002-02-25 11:14 i686 unknown

	Am I need to update? To which version?

     WBR, Alexander B. Gotlib,
     mailto:alex@;cca.usart.ru / ICQ# 13043204.
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