On Feb  8 19:41, Howland Craig D (Craig) wrote:
> Eric:
>      I suggest adding a brief comment explaining the need for the
> static.
>      (For the lists, we had a brief off-list discussion, where Eric
> quoted
> C99 section 6.2.2 paragraph 5 and section 6.7.4 paragraph 6.  Together
> they give the details needed for understanding.  In short, the compiler
> can
> choose not to in-line the function, but without the static it would emit
> an
> external function call--which can fail at link if that function does not
> exist.  With the static, it can still choose to not in-line, but is
> required
> to provide a local function call within that translation unit.  I
> apologize

Adding such a comment sounds like a good idea.  With this change the
patch s ok to go in, Eric.


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Project Co-Leader
Red Hat

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