
Im using a nearly upto date cygwin installation with the following

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 PCFX162 1.7.11s(0.259/5/3) 20120209 16:18:27 i686 Cygwin

I got once the following error on the console:

0 [main] sh 85464! _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: something failed for pid 0: res 
85464, hProcess 0x158, wr_proc_pipe 0xD8 vs. 0xD8, Win32 error 5

Can anyone tell me what's going wrong?

The error was echoed while running a perl script which polls our database for 
compile jobs for our project build system (running make).

I found the error in our make.log file.
But cause of running make in parallel (-j8) - it's not clear which command 
produces this error: sh, gcc or perl !?!
The make system will not abort cause of error - so I'm really not sure - is it 
an error, a warning or just an information?

I never have seen such an error before using snapshot 20120209.

best regards


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