On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 09:10:47AM -0800, amores perros wrote:
> That is, has anyone seen these three all work together ? 
>   i) installation & use as a normal user 
> ii) ntsec 
> iii) autotools 
> I ran the cygwin setup as my normal user, and when prompted, 
> gave it credentials for an administrator. 

Others have reported similar problems doing that. 
If you know the credentials to be administrator, why don't 
you run setup while logged in as administrator?

> I deduce that the cygwin loader uses NT permissions to determine
> whether I can run an executable, as all the executables in 
> /user/bin list as 
>    -rwx------ Administ None 
> yet it still lets me run them, and in fact the NT permissions 
> allow Users to Read&Execute. 

Your conclusions are completely right. 
Improving the mapping from acl's to Unix modes is not easy. 
However this particular problem shouldn't be that hard to fix.
I am curious what the output of "id" is.
According to the Windows file security GUI, who owns the files?
You say that you have a "limited" account. 
Did you install cygwin in an area under your control or in a 
public area with limited access?
What's happening when you chmod the files to 777?


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