
Cygwin works great on my desktop machine, so I decided to try it on my old
laptop.  Setup doesn't load.  When I double click setup.exe it gives the
arrow-hourglass combo for half a second then exits without any error
messages or other windows coming up.  I deleted setup.exe, downloaded it
on my desktop machine, copied it to the laptop and compared it, same
files.  Deleted the original anyways and ran the new one.  Still nothing.
The computer is not hooked up to the Internet, I have all the files copied
to the hd.  But the desktop machine runs setup.exe when not online.
Tried copying my setup logs from the desktop, didn't help.  Tried moving
setup.exe to different folders, didn't matter.  Used a hex editor to view
setup.exe and saw what .dll's it calls.  I have them all on the laptop,
but maybe not the versions it is expecting?  Dunno.

Here is info about my laptop:
Win95 4.00.950
Compaq LTE Elite 4/50CX (486 50MHz, latest BIOS update)
16.0 MB RAM
362MB free hd space
640x480xHigh color 16-bit

Any suggestions to get cygwin working on THIS machine would be much


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