On 02/16/2012 12:40 PM, Emlio wrote:
Hi all

I'm using cygwin in order to use cron under an XP machine. When I run
the command

$ crontab -e

I get a vi (vim?) editor, but I'm not able to use it propertly. After
pressing "insert" the keyboard doesn't work properly. For example, if I
press the arrows I get characters such as A, B, C... the backspace key
doesn't work, and writing a cron line becomes a really hard (impossible)

I've tried to set the env variable EDITOR as nano, in order to use this
editor instead, but the trick doesn't seem to work in cygwin.

Is there any workaround I can do in order to edit the crontab with a
different application?

Thanks in advance

E Diaz

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Answering to myself

I've just used notepad++ to write the cron commands and copypated it to the vi in cygwin. Not really classy but at least I can make it work.

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