On 2/23/2012 3:35 PM, Tassilo Philipp wrote:
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 5:32 AM, Tassilo Philipp  wrote:
Doesn't do anything, and believe me, I tried that probably 50 times in
all kinds of combinations...

do not top post please.

? I just hit reply... so I don't know what you mean? Sorry if I did
something weird.


 From where this "etc.so" is coming for ?

I guess ruby. I'll check exactly where it's from...
However, I tried to rebase it as you described below, and still face the
same problem.
I'll check if I face the BLODA problem as Corinna pointed out.

Thank you for your help, so far!

etc.so is a dll coming from ruby.

Could you try to explain us what exactly are you running/doing
when you catch the error ?
I doubt you are simply running a ruby program.

As "etc.so" belongs to ruby package, rebaseall should have
already rebased "etc.so" to another address than 0x360000

what is the outcome of
   rebase -s -i |grep etc.so


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