
At 08:17 2002-11-05, Benjamin K. wrote:
Have you consulted  the GCC book?
What is the GCC Book? Do you mean GCC documentation. If yes, let me say I read
everything from top to down.
No. I mean the book whose title I mentioned in my first reply to your original query: "Using and Porting GNU CC" by Richard M. Stallman (the 2.8.1 edition is on-line at <>). It is meant as a comprehensive reference to GCC internals, though obviously one that falls out of date as soon as it goes into publication. The paper form of the version 2.8 edition is 545 pages long.

No doubt a 3.x version would be bigger, if there was a direct counterpart, but I don't see any indication there is. (For one thing, it was a pricey book: list $50 US). The current equivalent appears to be available here: <>.

> Have you asked your questions in one of the GCC-specific
> forums? If not, look here: <>.

No not yet because it is nearly impossible to get an answer or that a bug will be fixed.
I've subscribed 2 of this mailing lists.
You assume this is a bug.

If you haven't asked, how do you know you won't get a useful answer?

> > This is just a bad implementation ... or should I say
> >BUG in Gcc.
> That is a rash and probably unwarranted condemnation.

Ok, maybe :)

Benjamin Kalytta

There's nothing more I can tell you.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

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