On Mar 4 21:47, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar 4 10:00, Karl M wrote:
> > Here is an strace in case that helps. I used setup to reinstall
> > everything (selected reinstall for each item) and I still have the
> > problem.
> Does the agent run? From the strace it looks like the socket file still
> exists but there's no process listening on the port. Or maybe there is
> a process listening, but doesn't reply to the credential package sent
> from the ssh-add client:
> > 195 495706 [main] ssh-add 4636 fhandler_socket::af_local_connect: 
> > af_local_connect called
> > 1120 496826 [main] ssh-add 4636 fhandler_socket::af_local_send_secret: 
> > Sending af_local secret succeeded
> And here you're pressing Ctrl-C:
> > --- Process 4636, exception 40010005 at 777AE37D
And, btw., there is no change at all in the socket code between 1.7.10
and 1.7.11, except for the BLODA detection when creating a socket, and
that code is disabled by default. It looks like some local problem on
your machine.

Odd...I manually deleted the socket file and now it works. And it again works 
even when the old socket file is left behind.


In any event, thanks for your help.



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