On 3/15/2012 1:59 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> I've been trying to troubleshoot an SQLite failure that boils down to
> this: SQLite catches an access denied error when trying to create a
> _temporary_ table and only when sqlite3 is run from mintty.  If I do the
> same thing in a console, all is well (as I found out when trying to
> strace the sqlite3 process in another window).
> :> sqlite3
> :sqlite> CREATE TEMP TABLE two (
> :   ...>     id INTEGER NOT NULL,
> :   ...>     name CHAR (64) NOT NULL
> :   ...> );
> I'm already at the 2012-03-14 snapshot.  I currently work around by
> compiling SQLite to use only memory and nver a file for temporary
> tables, but it seems that there may be a larger problem lurking here.
> The same thing happens with the packaged sqlite3, a freshly compiled one
> from the source package and the version that is delivered with the
> DBD::SQLite package from CPAN.

The obvious question: what is your $TMP ?

You may remember a recent thread about temporary directories, then they
where changed in base-files.
René Berber

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