When I run /winnt/NTRESKIT/SHUTDOWN.EXE as root (Local and
Domain Administrator) I get the following error

11:51:04 marcos@laud~ ssh mozart -l root
root@mozart's password:
Last login: Wed Nov  6 11:49:45 2002 from laud.it.uc3m.es

Wow! Yeah! this is really a Windows NT 4.0 Cygwin Server

11:51:11 root@MOZART~ /winnt/NTRESKIT/SHUTDOWN.EXE \\\\it002 /C /R /T:600
"hi, just a test"
AdjustTokenPrivileges enable failed.
11:51:17 root@MOZART~ logout
Connection to mozart closed.

And when I run it as marcos (user belonging to domain administrators) it
executes succesfully:

11:51:18 marcos@laud~ ssh mozart
marcos@mozart's password:
Last login: Wed Nov  6 11:49:01 2002 from laud.it.uc3m.es

Wow! Yeah! this is really a Windows NT 4.0 Cygwin Server

11:51:31 marcos@MOZART~ /winnt/NTRESKIT/SHUTDOWN.EXE \\\\it002 /C /R
/T:600 "hi, just a test"
11:51:40 marcos@MOZART~ /winnt/NTRESKIT/SHUTDOWN.EXE \\\\it002 /A

Any idea? differrence between users is very little, just the fact that
Administrator (root for cygwin) is a builtin account and marcos is created
manually by Administrator.

I need this for a script that I wrote recently. It reboots specified
computers within the domain f the server where the script is run. I want
to run this from cron. It runs perfectly apart from the error of
SHUTDOWN.EXE, that is critical for total script functionality. If any of
you want this script ask for it and I will e-mail it to you.

One more question: Does cron set the $USER variable when running crontabs?
I believe it doesn't for I get the following when running the crontab:

12:03:24 root@MOZART~ crontab -l
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.324 installed on Wed Nov  6 11:44:14 2002)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.6 2001/09/19 17:09:55 corinna Exp $)

# every minute touch a timestamp file in /tmp so I know crond is running
  *    *     *   *     *           touch /tmp/crond.running
# update file database every 2 days
  0    0     */2 *     *           updatedb
# reboot every midnight the DIT domain
  0    0     *   *     *           shutdown_dit

### testing section ###

# check user settings and other stuff
  *   *     *   *     *           { echo -e "USER: $USER\nID: `id`" | tee
/tmp/root.debug ; } | mail -s "prueba desde mozart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12:03:25 root@MOZART~ cat /tmp/root.debug
ID: uid=500(root) gid=512(domadmin)

I get $USER = "". Is this normal? I mean It doesn't bother me, but if it's
a misconfiguration, then maybe my two questions are related.

Thanks in advance,

Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago (Labs Technician)

Departament of Telematic Engineering
University Carlos III Av.Universidad 30 Leganés (Madrid).
Torres Quevedo Building 4.1A01
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Telephone: (+34)91-624-8757
Home Page http://www.it.uc3m.es/marcos

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