On Mar 28 11:48, Michel Bardiaux wrote:
> > I've added a new package called _autorebase to the Cygwin distro.
> This works very well indeed. After reinstalling setup and catching up
> with 1 month of updates, bringing me from uname 1.7.10 to 1.7.11
> (which means autorebase MUST have done something, right?) I have just
> made a moderately large make (of what does not matter) of 48 source
> files using "make -j" (unlimited parallelism) on a not-so-large PC
> (dual 2GHz, 2GB) with all the Avast! filters turned on. The system
> froze nearly solid for 5 minutes but actually completed the build with
> no fork misses whatsoever. Congrats!

Thanks!  I love positive feedback :)


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