
I try to configure rsync on MS Windows to execute a folder synchronization every day.

I use this tools :

* I've installed cygwin
* I've use cygwin setup.exe to install rsync, openssh, cron

Next, in cygwin terminal, I did :

* I've created a ssh key and I've set it up on remote server
* next, I've wrote a bash script which execute rsync. Note : my source data are in "f:" device, meaning it's in "/cygdrive/f/" path (from cygwin terminal) * I've tested my bash script, it works very well, all files are copied to remote host
* I've used cron-config to configure cron service
* I've append my bash script in cron configuration with crontab -e
* My bash script is executed by cron, I see it with cronevents

But, I've have an issue : when my bash script is executed by cron, it hasn't access to /cygdrive/f/, this device isn't mounted !

Do you have already had this problem ?

I've very few cygwin experience, I don't know where to dig.

Thanks for your help.

Stéphane Klein <steph...@harobed.org>
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