On Mar 29 10:28, Roland Schwingel wrote:
> Hi...
> Recently I bought an SSD (OCZ Vertex 3 120GB). I hoped to improve
> performance together with cygwin. But some strange and unexpected
> things happen.
> My Setup:
> Dell Optiplex 980. Core i5-760. 4 GB Ram. Windows 7 SP1 64bit. A
> 500GB WDC WD5000AAKS harddrive and the new SSD. Windows 7 installed
> on SSD. Cygwin 1.7.11 - up to date in all packages. Installed on
> drive D: (HD) and on drive H: (SSD).
> The SSD is a SATA III drive while my machine is only having SATA II,
> so I am loosing some speed here but the SSD is in normal windows
> operations still hell faster than the HD. I am also getting the
> maximum performance which SATA II can deliver according to some
> benchmark tools. The SSD is formatted to use 4k sectors. I also did
> a test with 512byte sectors where I loose performance on write but
> the problems do not change. I also copied the cygwin installation
> manually from D: to H: which made no difference.
> The 2 problem(s) as of now:
> a) no permissions
> When I am having cygwin installed on the SSD I have no permissions
> on cygwin's files. On none of them.
> Example /bin/bash
> Cygwin on HD:
> $stat /bin/bash
>   File: `/bin/bash'
>   Size: 536078          Blocks: 524        IO Block: 65536  regular file
> Device: 48f3fa60h/1223948896d   Inode: 1125899907057137  Links: 1
> Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (11000/  roland)   Gid: (11001/ develop)
> Access: 2012-03-20 13:59:02.953125000 +0100
> Modify: 2012-01-03 15:32:06.000000000 +0100
> Change: 2012-03-28 16:59:36.216999900 +0200
>  Birth: 2012-03-05 13:07:35.237439800 +0100
> Cygwin on SSD:
> $stat /bin/bash
>   File: `/bin/bash'
>   Size: 536078          Blocks: 524        IO Block: 65536  regular file
> Device: aa325caah/2855427242d   Inode: 281474976710756  Links: 1
> Access: (0000/----------)  Uid: (11000/  roland)   Gid: (11001/ develop)
> Access: 2012-03-29 09:19:13.486065800 +0200
> Modify: 2012-01-03 15:32:06.000000000 +0100
> Change: 2012-03-29 09:19:13.486065800 +0200
>  Birth: 2012-03-29 09:19:13.486065800 +0200

Did you install via setup?  What does the ACL look like?  It's strange
that the files belong to you and the develop group, usually they should
belong to an admin user and the administratrors group.  000 permissions
usally means that you have copied the files via Windows, and the newly
created ACL has no ACEs for your user and group, but rather ACEs which
are inherited by the parent directory.

> In my eyes the main differences cut down to 2 lines.
> HD :26   53263 [main] stat 3636 stat_worker:
> (\??\D:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe, 0x28CBB0, 0x6127435C), file_attributes
> 8224
> SSD:18   31138 [main] stat 2284 stat_worker:
> (\??\H:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe, 0x28CBB0, 0x612742EC), file_attributes
> 32
> The file_attributes differ

Yes, but that's irrelevant.  See

The file attributes (except FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) have no meaning
for the permissions.


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