On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 12:30:08AM +0200, Achim Gratz wrote:
>Larry Hall (Cygwin) writes:
>> That's a question for GMane.  Cygwin has no association or control of
>> that channel.  But it's probably because cygwin-apps is a subscriber-only
>> mail list <http://cygwin.com/lists.html>.  Just subscribe and see if that
>> helps.
>This is set up when the group is set up on GMane and can be requested to
>be changed later via a webform on GMane.  Setting it to "unidirectional"
>means absolutely no posting from GMane (besides the read-only
>announcement lists, this is the only Cygwin list configured that way).
>More appropriate might be "non-public" which means I must be subscribed
>to be able to post ??? unless of course that "unidirectional" was a
>conscious decision.

Not really an issue to be discussed in the Cygwin mailing list.  As
Larry said, take it up with gmane.

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