Larry Hall (Cygwin <reply-to-list-only-lh <at>> writes:

> On 3/29/2012 9:10 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:
> > From: Andrew
> >>
> >> I just got this exact same thing and tried re-installing coreutils
> >> with no effect.  Initially, I had been installing binutils, and was
> >> told to restart because I had left a cygwin console open during the
> >> install.  Interested to hear what is known about this (recent) issue.
> >>
> >
> > Interesting...  I didn't have any consoles open (that I remember) during 
> > update, but I've rebooted and done an update since this issue surfaced 
> > with no console open) and it hasn't resolved.  I've been wondering if I 
> > remove the C:\cygwin directories and try installing again.  I'm hoping I 
> > have to do something that drastic.
> I'd recommend making sure all Cygwin processes are stopped (including
> services) and try installing the cygwin and coreutils package again,
> along with anything else you'd like to include.  If you're still having
> problems, cygcheck output will be helpful in any follow-up.

So, Larry, are you talking about un-/reinstalling cygwin entirely*?  Also, 
does cygwin dev monitor this chat in case this is a bug?  If not, is there a 
better place to report such an issue?

Couple of other points.  In searching some of the error codes (eg. "command 
not found" message), I also added "c:\cygwin\bin" to my PATH and created env 
variable CYGWIN_HOME as "c:\cygwin".  This stopped the "command not found" 
message, though ls output was still empty.


*If so (ie. most likely the quickest path to resolution), I'm still a more 
than happy customer, and cygwin is still in the 99.9999999% satisfaction 
realm.  Can't recall ever having an update issue like this before, but them's 
the breaks with software!  :)

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