
A very general hint is that installing one or both of those other applications changed your system's PATH environment variable in a way that's causing some of BASH's start-up processing to fail. Possibly the BASH startup processing is invoking a program or script whose name is that of a program or script included in one of these new application packages and now when you launch BASH it's invoking the wrong one. Or the installation of those applications could simply have removed your Cygwin directory (-ies) from the PATH variable.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 09:05 2002-11-06, jblazi wrote:
I use the latest Cygwin on Win2000. I installed plt-scheme and ActiveTcl and
suddenly, I cannot call bash from the programs-menu. The bash console whos up
and terminates immediately. Even reinstalling from the Net did not help. Can
anybody give me a hint?

Janos Blazi

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