Von: David Rothenberger <daver...@acm.org>
> I am having trouble finding an ecj.jar eclipse jar file to get GCJ going.
> ...

Many Cygwin packages come with a README file. As I mentioned
previously[1], the one you want is /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/gcc4.README.
Not quite the place where a normal user would look for help.
If it were at least in /usr/share/doc/gcj or /usr/share/doc/gcc-java ...

In that file is a section called "Java users need an additional download
to compile source to bytecode." that clearly describes what to do.

Specifically, ...
The download script also referred to does not exist as you mentioned yourself.

Von: "Yaakov (Cygwin/X)" <yselkow...@users.sourceforge.net>
... Best practice is *not* to bundle code.

> 2) self-hosting. ...
Now *this* is an issue.  ...
What about doing the download in postinstall?
No co-shipping, no self-hosting, no dangling dependency...

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