Warren Young <warren <at> etr-usa.com> writes:
> Will you please try them?

Looks good to me, but hasn't seen extensive testing.

> There is likely to be one difference w.r.t your version, which is that 
> my packages include a patch to replace a deprecated Cygwin 1.5 
> cygwin1.dll call with its modern 1.7 replacement.[*]  Since it also 
> pertains to Windows path handling, the difference may affect you.

I actually kept that patch going forward since it still applied with some fuzz.

I'd appreciate if the package release was "-3", as produced from
'sqlite3-3.7.11-3.cygport'.  I'd have to back out my test version first before
installing yours otherwise.  Next time I'll probably start with release 0,
didn't think of that...


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