On 30 March 2012 10:03, Michael Simpson wrote:
> On 29 March 2012 06:29, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> I don't see any evidence here that this is a problem with mintty
>> rather than OpenBSD's tmux or xterm terminfo entry. Can you try this
>> using Cygwin's xterm?
> Cygwin's xterm works as expected

Thanks for checking. Sounds like a mintty incompatibility with xterm
then. I'll need your help to try to narrow down the issue though, as I
haven't got access to an OpenBSD system.

Can you invoke mintty with the --log option for logging output into a
file, do as little as possible to reproduce the problem, and send the
resulting log? The aim here is that I can cat the log file to see the
issue and then try to narrow it down to the problematic control


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