Several folk here use Cygwin with windows 7 enterprise as a tool to access 
linux servers.  They have Cygwin with X installed and use a combination of 
terminal windows and X exports from the RH servers to manage items.

The most recent version of Cygwin, when upgraded, breaks in these uses.  I have 
spent a little time isolating causes.

Ssh(1) on  normal install does not get any config files.  When config files are 
placed at the usual suspect locations, ssh(1) ignores them.

cygrun-host-config -y 

does build the config files, but it cannot complete because the required 
accounts cannot be created , not even by someone with admin access.  It fails 
on permisssions.

alias ssh="ssh -2 -I ~/.ssh/id-rsa"

in .bashrc
does allow ssh to do password-less access to the servers but it breaks on

hg clone ssh://...

which is now totally non-functional.

The two offered downloads of Cygwin are now of greatly reduced utility because 
the way duties are arranged doesn't allow functioning of the agent or the id 

Everyone has been advised to hold without updating on Cygwin, and new machines 
are now being equipped with VMware player and RHEL6.


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