Randall, thanks for the quick response.

So the TERM environment variable is somewhat broken, in that setting it to
something else is a no-op.  The first question that comes to mind is whether
this is characterized as a bug or a feature, and if a bug how deep does it
run, and how likely that it will ever be fixed.

On the issue of 3 terminal emulation models (cygwin console, RXVT, and
xterm) I am a bit lost.  Forgive me for being slow here, but if I understand
you correctly the terminal emulation model is hard-coded into these
applications (knowing how would be nice).  Does this mean that /etc/termcap
is not used at all?  For example, if I change the termcap entry for linux
(cygwin inherits from linux) to generate vt100 function key codes then will
I get \EOP for f1 in the cygwin console?

Is there any reference materials I can read to bring myself up to date on
the architectural issues/shortcomings here?

On the problem with captoinfo the issue is that it prints nothing (other
than errors) to stdout.  I have captured the output of "captoinfo
/etc/termcap" and "captoinfo -V /etc/termcap" in the two attached file for
your reference.  As I said before, considering the findings so far, this is
probably unrelated to the topic of the discussion.

Thanks again,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Randall R Schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with function keys codes with vt100 emulation

> Reza,
> The terminal emulation model is what it is. There's one for the Cygwin
> console window, another for RXVT and yet another for xterm (under
> XFree86/Cygwin).
> The TERM variable serves to convey the indication of which terminal
> emulator is active to software such as Vim, Emacs, programs linked with
> "readline" library (BASH, e.g.), etc.
> So changing TERM is effectively just lying to the software that cares
> terminal escape codes. It does not dictate how the terminal emulation
> software behaves, either in response to output escape codes or in
> generating escape codes for things like the function or arrow keys.
> I don't know what's up with "captoinfo," but you'll need to give us more
> details if you want help with that.
> Randall Schulz
> Mountain View, CA USA
> At 12:51 2002-11-06, Reza Roodsari wrote:
> >Hi I've spent two days investigating this and sorry if this has been
> >answered already.  I was not able to find any references.
> >
> >The problem I have is that the cygwin terminal window which runs the bash
> >shell is generating the wrong key codes when function keys, such as f1,
> >etc, are pressed.
> >
> >Ordinarily the terminal starts out with TERM=cygwin.  cygwin terminal
> >emulation correctly produces the \E[[A for f1, \E[[B for f2, and other
> >function keys.  I then change TERM to vt100 and expect to get \EOP for
> >\EOQ for f2, etc but still get the old cygwin mode key codes.
> >
> >Looking into the /etc/termcap file shows that vt100 terminal mode should
> >produce \EOP for f1.
> >
> >I am not exactly sure what the problem is but when I run captoinfo on
> >/etc/termcap I get a bunch of errors reported.  This may be an unrelated
> >problem.
> >
> >My version of cygwin is 1.3.12, dated 2002-07-06.
> >
> >I would like to know if this is a bug and if so whether there is a fix.
> >
> >Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> --
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> Bug reporting:         http://cygwin.com/bugs.html
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"/etc/termcap", line 49, col 15, terminal 'ansi-pc-color': unknown % code p (0x70) in 
"/etc/termcap", line 49, col 29, terminal 'ansi-pc-color': unknown % code p (0x70) in 
"/etc/termcap", line 256, terminal 'xterm-r6': alias xterm multiply defined.
"/etc/termcap", line 49, col 15, terminal 'ansi-pc-color': unknown % code p (0x70) in 
"/etc/termcap", line 49, col 29, terminal 'ansi-pc-color': unknown % code p (0x70) in 
"/etc/termcap", line 10, terminal 'dumb': Conflicting key definitions (using the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 14, terminal 'unknown': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 17, terminal 'other': Conflicting key definitions (using the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 22, terminal 'arpanet': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 39, terminal 'ansi-mini': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 47, terminal 'ansi-pc-color': Conflicting key definitions (using 
the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 72, terminal 'pcansi-mono25': Conflicting key definitions (using 
the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 75, terminal 'pcansi-mono33': Conflicting key definitions (using 
the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 78, terminal 'pcansi-mono43': Conflicting key definitions (using 
the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 82, terminal 'pcansi': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 84, terminal 'pcansi-25': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 87, terminal 'pcansi-33': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 90, terminal 'pcansi-43': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 99, terminal 'ansi-mono': non-curses applications may be confused 
by ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 116, terminal 'ansi': Conflicting key definitions (using the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 116, terminal 'ansi': non-curses applications may be confused by 
ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 128, terminal 'ansi.sys': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 150, terminal 'ansi.sysk': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 156, terminal 'nansi.sys': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 156, terminal 'nansi.sys': non-curses applications may be 
confused by ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 161, terminal 'nansi.sysk': Conflicting key definitions (using 
the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
"/etc/termcap", line 161, terminal 'nansi.sysk': non-curses applications may be 
confused by ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 165, terminal 'cygwin': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
... KEY_END is the same as KEY_LL
"/etc/termcap", line 165, terminal 'cygwin': non-curses applications may be confused 
by ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 191, terminal 'linux': Conflicting key definitions (using the 
... KEY_END is the same as KEY_LL
"/etc/termcap", line 191, terminal 'linux': non-curses applications may be confused by 
ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 213, terminal 'linux-mono': Conflicting key definitions (using 
the last)
... KEY_BACKSPACE is the same as KEY_LEFT
... KEY_END is the same as KEY_LL
"/etc/termcap", line 213, terminal 'linux-mono': set_a_foreground but no 
"/etc/termcap", line 213, terminal 'linux-mono': non-curses applications may be 
confused by ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 218, terminal 'rxvt': cursor_visible is same as cursor_normal
"/etc/termcap", line 218, terminal 'rxvt': non-curses applications may be confused by 
ich/ich1 with smir/rmir
"/etc/termcap", line 256, terminal 'xterm-r6': alias xterm multiply defined.

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