Hi all,

I'm trying to connect a VirtualBox guest's serial port to something that cygwin/gdb can access for remote debugging, and am having trouble connecting the pieces...

One post from a couple of years ago [1] suggests using /dev/ttyS* to access COM ports. This would work great... except there are no /dev/ttyS* on my install.

The other VirtualBox option is to create a named pipe (as in Windows NPFS), and then wrap it into a pty using socat [2], but I can't figure out how to access such a pipe from cygwin -- the "\\.\pipe\*" path doesn't seem to be supported by cygpath and there's nothing obvious in /dev/.

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-01/msg00081.html
[2] http://allmybrain.com/2010/04/29/debugging-linux-kernel-modules-with-virtualbox-and-kgdb/


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