On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 12:11:35AM +0900, jojelino wrote:
>On 2012-04-27 AM 9:17, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> There's no way that Cygwin could know to "skip" a call to WriteFile().
>> Cygwin doesn't interpose itself in the middle of a pipe.  That would be
>> truly disastrous.  If it somehow looked at every pipe read/write rather
>> than just allowing I/O to flow from one end to the other, the mailing
>> list would be even more filled with people complaining that Cygwin is
>> slow.
>Maybe i can measure how much it slowed down after applying the 
>workaround of unworkable runtime of some non-free software.

Thanks for the offer but that presupposes that I'd actually be willing
to go to the effort of coding something up.  I'm really not.


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