On 03/05/2012 7:47 PM, eric_justin_al...@cfl.rr.com wrote:
Is this the right place to suggest that gdb be upgraded for cygwin. If not where could I suggest that? If this is an acceptable place then can I add here that if you guys do upgrade gdb that I was hoping you could make it a bit more detailed maybe make it to show a bit more information about crashes. An example is that I m working with a linked list and when the program crashes gdb prints out and only prints out the words below this text. I am left clueless about the error.

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x7ffe0304 in ?? ()
This happens only with SIGABRT, AFAIK. You can work around it by setting a breakpoint on "_abort" which will catch the problem before the stack gets lost in windows-land.

For SIGSEGV (usually an unintentional error), gdb usually does the right thing and gives you the offending stack trace.


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