On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 08:46:09PM -0500, Tom Rodman wrote:
>more details
># example hang (^C will not kill):
>  $ pgrep bash
># tail end of strace of above:
>   37  208960 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_process::exists: exists 
> (/proc/2488/cmdline)
>   41  209001 [main] pgrep 2184 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6127A350, dev 0xFE
>   38  209039 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x18000, 
> supplied_bin 0x0
>   33  209072 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set 
> in flags 0x10000
>   33  209105 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to 
> binary
>   65  209170 [main] pgrep 2184 open_shared: name cygpid.2488, n 2488, shared 
> 0xE10000 (wanted 0x0), h 0x5FC, *m 6
>30704  239874 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_pipe::create: name 
>\\.\pipe\cygwin-dd7e5f3067f3e0da-2184-pipe-0xA, size 65536, mode 
>  155  240029 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_pipe::create: pipe read handle 0x5EC
>   48  240077 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_pipe::create: CreateFile: name 
> \\.\pipe\cygwin-dd7e5f3067f3e0da-2184-pipe-0xA
>   69  240146 [main] pgrep 2184 fhandler_pipe::create: pipe write handle 0x5E8
>   59  240205 [main] pgrep 2184 sig_send: sendsig 0x5F0, pid 2488, signal -36, 
> its_me 0
># procps example:
>   $ procps -o pid,args
>  4580 procps -o pid,args
>  --note: above command hangs, ended up killing it

Try a snapshot.

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