On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Marilo wrote:
> The java aspect looks like a red herring as not relevant to the problem.
> You want to run a *nix shell script and presumably don't want to write your 
> own bat file doing the same job.
> I'm probably missing something but given that there's cygwin, and it's a *nux 
> script, what about just editing the script for your computer, amending the 
> paths in the script, with  a find and replace, so /ABC/XYZ is replaced with 
> /cygdrive/c/ABC/XYZ and running the script in cygwin.


Why invent that wheel when you have cygpath already to do the job?
And java isn't going to understand /cygdrive/c either.

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